
Showing posts from 2009

Ride With Me

If you know me pretty well, you would know that I drive our family car. It is an Isuzu Crosswind. I call it Trusty. And if I invited you to go somewhere then that means you rode with Trusty na. Last Friday afternoon, Me and my brother was supposed to watch UP's latern parade and I was looking forward to this event. It was a slow moving afternoon maybe because of the Christmas rush. From Sta. Rosa it was a heavy bumper-to-bumper situation in SLEX. I noticed and heard a weird screeching sound coming from the hood but never really checked. Then after more than 1 hour in SLEX, I drove the C5 road with speed. Then moved slowly again from Libis to the underpass to Katipunan when suddenly.. (The suspense) Something just cracked! It suddenly became hard to turn the steering wheel. I immediately pulled over and checked the hood. I hoped nothing happen but I already know that there is something wrong. Then there the thing that connects the fanbelt just snapped! Power steering oil pouring all

How to fail.

People give factors on how to fail. Be idle. Compromise. Be irresponsible. Bum out. Standby mode. Hate the things you do. Dream of failing. Be insecure. Self-pity. The list goes on and on. But I taught myself something while living in this temporary world. It is to prove others WRONG. I can do all things through God who strengthens me.

Im back, blogging!

A lot of things have consumed me these past month or so. Typhoons. Thesis. VTRs. Auditions. Happily love life isn't a part where I wasn't so busy with. I just wanted to blog again to recap the things that is going on in my life today. We proposed a new thesis plan which will put us back in square one. It sucks since we, three in a group, spent our past 4 or 5 months building and planning the previous one. It was weird since when we changed plans I felt more ready and challenged with it. I still pray that God will give me wisdom to learn how and actually finishing this beloved thesis of mine. I put God in the center of this thesis and give God all the credit! Another thing in my life is my "showbiz" adventure. Yesterday I was one of those chosen people to be extras in a upcoming movie entitled "Working Girls" by Director Jose Javier Reyes. This is my first time to experience this and it makes me excited! I'm glad that I have this opportunity. I could writ

Typhoon Ondoy

Saturday September 26, 2009 around 1pm. While we were unaware of the situation outside and while enjoying playing PVZ, water came inside our house. Panic! This was what happened. My brother and I rushed and lifted or removed all the things we can to avoid the water rushing in. The water was only 1 foot high inside the house and I never knew what was it like outside. It was the 2nd time water went in our house here in Sta. Rosa. I can say that I have some experience dealing with this but still, IT SUCKED! I cant blame our house for not being elevated since nobody knew that our location is prone to being flooded. Mud, mud and more mud came after. Back-cracking activities that require sweeping, scrubbing and mopping came next. Its now Tuesday and we are pretty much back to normal but mud outside still remains. Something that makes me feel a little better is the more dreadful damages Ondoy left in the Manila area. Houses disappeared and people stayed on top of roofs leaving everything belo

Things Inside My Brain

I will just put words that describe whats in my mind tonight before I go to bed. God. Model. Commercial. Party. Guitar. Ball. Shoulders. Love. Theater. Job. Thesis. 4 SL. Sleep. Friends. Plants vs Zombies. Bench Tee. Good. Evil. Book. Francis Kong. Recipes. Life. Okay that's it. Haha!

Benefits Of Singlehood

I am recently realizing the advantages of being single. I have been single for some months now and last night I thought to make a list or the advantages that it brings. So that I would not focus of the bad side of being single. Believe me in my stage today the advantages outnumber the dis. Advantages: 1. More time with Family 2. Can make sudden decisions 3. Can go to places (anywhere) 4. Can be myself 5. Spend more time at church 6. Dont need to lie or sneak out 7. Dont have to spend for gifts and dates 8. Can hang out with anybody 9. Not worried that if I'm with a female friend that someone might spy and makeup stories 10. Can focus on being a better man 11. Be more available for my friends 12. Can commit to various ministries 13. Can go to the gym more often 14. Dont have to text everything that I am doing 15. Can pickup the bible first that my cellphone in the morning 16. I can avoid texting while driving 17. I can follow my dreams 18. Be adventurous 19. You can be more good loo

I Wish Iam Free

I hate this emotion that I am feeling lately. I feel no inspiration, no passion, no anger, no love. I don't know what's wrong. I feel soooo trapped in this world that I live in. I wish that I could just act the way I am. Not worrying about what other people think, and say. I wish there aren't back biting people around. Hindi naman ako sikat ah! So, why are you talking about me? Now I know why deep inside me I always wanted to run away. Stay outside the radar. Meet strangers. Jump from one place to another. Buying one way tickets not knowing what will happen next. How I wish. How I wish I am Free. Maybe this is a curse that Jesus calls persecution. People around you who knows that you are a SALT and LIGHT of this world just waits until you make that ONE wrong move. But of course the answer is still at the CROSS (reference from Louie Guiglio). AAAHHHHHH! I wanna be free!


Who doesn't know twitter by now? has become so popular that it also got my attention. I just recently started tweeting, those who want to follow me here you go: , at I think it is awesome. In my own words, twitter is a website where you can constantly put a "shout out." It gives other people or your followers the idea of what you are doing. Its pretty neat! A lot of people use now and even celebrities could possibly exchange tweets with you. I dont know what to say more about it. Haha! Just go make a twitter account and follow me then I will follow you too. XD

When You Wake Up

Every experienced waking up and thinking about stuff that you want or like? I sometimes hope that when I wake up in the morning someone (meaning a lover) will welcome the day and make your day the best in an instant. But this morning, with the thesis bugging my mind this past weeks I suddenly uttered out that I dont need anyone. I only want God. This is something even I was surprised. Maybe this is a sign of spiritual maturity? I dont know. I can say that I am not in an "on-fire" stage but it was real. I dont want anything that would replace the love I have for Him. Couple of times I experienced that I could replace my girlfriends for Him. Hope that I learned my lesson. I pray that when the time comes, I can still put God first. I put my future in His hands. My thesis, my gradutation, my career, my lovelife, my health, even my wealth. I deeply pray that when I wake up in the morning 2, 5, 10 years from now I will still have the love that I offer to the only deserving one. The

August Rush

Nope this is not the movie where a genius musician searches for his parents through music. Oh that movie was awesome. But this is MY August rush. Im doing this blog right now in the midst of all the chaos that college life brings. Im not talking about examinations, homeworks, or reports. Im talking about the last big obstacle that is in between a degree holder from an undergrad. This is the might THESIS. We are currently building a pole-climbing robot. I have 2 other groupmates working on this. We felt the pressure this month since this is our last term as a college student. And we dont have any plans of extending our stay. The thesis started last summer (April-May in the Phils.) and we did very little up until June. The only thing we accomplished was many modifications of the mechanism and construction of its body. Now in our last month, we are bombarded with programming, final constructing, and paper works. The documentation of the thesis is very important and now we only have 2 week

Comment On This.

Ive heard a lot of opinions on this and different people talking about this topic. LIFE Question is. Take on life seriously? or. Don't take life seriously, Life is short ?

Put Your HEART In Things You Do.

I learned this revelation after I played basketball last night at Alabang Hills with my CCF basketball friends. After three tiring games, where I had a pretty good game (hehe), we had our small devotion. The topic was loving the Lord with ALL (Matt. 22:37). Somewhere in the sharing I heard that it is hard to get good results in something you do if you dont put your HEART in the things you do. It totally made sense to me. This is the background. I need to finish my thesis by the end of August and I think I wasted 1 month doing nothing. I never understood why I was so excited in doing this. In other words. I WAS LAZY. But now I know, its because I never put my heart on the project. I only saw it as a requirement to graduate. And now with only 1 month remaining and almost half of the work still undone. I pray that with me now putting my heart into it that I would function better. Or evenyet my best. Its so true how God can speak and teach us in many ways. I came to the court not knowing t

Acoustic Music Is Killing My Fingers

Recently got addicted in watching acoustic covers of people in Youtube. I was amazed with the talent that people showcase in the net. I subscribed specifically to Gabe Bondoc and AJ Rafael. If you have spare time, search their names in Youtube. They have awesome original songs and covers. I myself is a musician. I didnt dedicate my life for music but I like playing every now and then. But with these songs playing in my mind it is impossible not to pickup my guitar and learn their songs. I learned a few great songs now, namely 'Show Stopper' and 'Youtube Star'. There are other songs like 'Gentlemen Don't' and 'Stronger Than' that I wish to learn. My guitar skills ain't super but I guess it is enough to jam pleasantly. But there is one thing that I lack. VOCALS!!! I don't sound like a noisy gong but I still suck. I want to sound good so badly that I am willing to exchange my basketball skills for a singing voice. And I could say that those bask

Got sick for three days

I got sick once again. This is already my 2nd time in 2009. I feel so unhealthy. But still thankful for the strength that God gives back after getting sick. I think I got sick because of getting wet by the rain the previous day and had weak resistance. It wasn't the swine flu or the A(H1N1) or the ewan-ewan or the ahini. I really thought that it would be dengue once again since I kinda felt the same. Anyway, Im feeling good now thanks to God. But the things that I missed were: midterms exam in genchem and a long exam in englaws. Plus not able to do anything for our thesis project. It was an unproductive time but it was good for my body to have that short period of rest. But I still pray that I will get sick more seldom.

How far are you willing to dream.

Dreams doesn't only happen when you are asleep. This is a mental activity that an individual choose to have. Dreams are free. You can long for something or even someone that does not exist or yet to happen. There are different kinds of dreams: small once, big once, very big once and the impossibly big once. It is very difficult to dream something that always seemed impossible in your life. Maybe this is because you don't have much, just like me. And you often picture yourself in the best possible scene. There might even come a time when your dreams are rained down on. There is a saying that goes: "If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time." by Marcel Proust . These past months, I find myself dreaming, dreaming, and dreaming some more. That is why I thought "How far should I dream?" In life, success is s omething everybody wants. I saw a friend's post (Micay Gapuz) in facebook just now

Say NO to Idleness

I super hate it when I get bored and find myself idle. It is fun to rest and do nothing in a weekday but finding myself being idle and faced with temptation, I'd rather be working my butt in school or in somewhere else. Paul, an apostle of Christ, even wrote a warning against idleness. Found in 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15. I think there are a lot of kind of effects that idleness bring to a person. I want to share how does idleness start in my case. It first comes mostly when I am at home the entire day. It could probably a holiday, a canceled school day, a stormy day, or just a day that has nothing scheduled to do. So there is your free time. But then something gets to me that annoys me. It is called boredom. Yes, I am at home, surfing the net, watching television, ramming the refrigerator for food. But there is this feeling of irritation, wanting something else. Then after thinking about things I could do, I will just say 'Nah, too bored for that.' Then finally, I come to the s

I am a Lone Wolf

This is an article I found in the website of Men's health magazine entitled "Personality Test." Here are the choices. I'm definitely the lone wolf type even though I see myself in some of the other choices. If you want to see the full article click here. 1. THE LONE WOLF Time alone is your way of dealing with stress. Be it spent watching a special edition DVD, listening to your latest compilation on your iPod, or catching up on some literature. (It sure beats nursing a hangover.) Not that you don't have a social life—even lone wolves need to go on the prowl once in a while. Defining trait: Self-knowledge. You're a searcher and wanderer like the Pilgrim. You're always optimistic and compelled to pitch in for a worthy cause. "Pilgrims may travel far into the world or deep into their own minds, enduring physical and mental hardships for the worthy quest of truly knowing one&

Philippines: This is where I belong

Since our country is celebrating its 111th year of independence I thought of making a blog about how much I love this country despite of its imperfection. Philippines consists of 7,107 islands. We are an archipelago. I think our country has the longest coastal line in the world. We only have two seasons: Summer time and rainy season. But with the climate changes happening in this world we are experiencing some peculiar weather. Our government is a democratic type and a big big issue now is if will be changed in a parliamentary form. We rank 2nd to the last in terms of graft and corruption in Asia. There are a lot to say about my beloved country. Good and bad things. I wont be talking about the politic side since I am no expert in these things. I do care about the government but I did not plan on making this blog and talk about politics. I would like to focus on the good things. I love nature! It testifies the greatness of our creator. I haven't traveled our country much but I have

It is now my 22nd year in this world!

I wanna greet myself! Haha! Just kidding. Its been 22 years now! Yey! Im glad that I reached this far. I know how blessed I am with the family, friends, people that surround me. I wanna thank those who greeted me this day. Hmm. I want to put the things im currently praying. I pray that we would successfully finish out thesis project. I pray that I would graduate this year without delays. I pray that God will continue to bless our family. I pray that the people around me will see God not me. I pray that God will transform me into the man He wants me to be. I pray that I will trust God more about my future. I pray that my future wife is safe and growing with the Lord. I pray that my family and I will be healthy and safe always. I pray that I will LOVE JESUS with all my heart ALWAYS! These are all requests. Of course I never forget thanking God for ALL that He has done for me. Wow, 22 years! Thank you God for a joyful life that you let me experience. Everything that has happened is part o

VJ as a Musician

Another thing that I couldn't live without is Music. My best bud is my iPod nano gen 3. I love to listen to it especially when commuting. But what makes music so good and fun is when you make the music. I have a couple of instruments that I can play, guitar and piano. I learned playing guitar way back when I was a little boy. When I learned how to play guitar I used my talent for the Lord. I volunteered being in the music ministry in the church in Binan . I was young and not that good in playing yet. But with the love for music and passion for serving God, I played. Throughout high school I didn't made an effort to get better. I love playing but never thought of excelling in it. You could consider me as a plain basic guitarist. For some reason when I entered college, I got better. I wasn't still the best guitarist but I was a lot better than before. Unfortunately I wasn't playing in church anymore. I still play christian music, singing and praising God by myself. It

VJ as a Baller

I love sports! I first fell in love in the team sport named Basketball! It just came to me that without basketball I wouldn't be the man I am right now. Kulang ang buhay! I was watching MJ documentary movies last night and remembered the passion I had for this sport. I still like playing basketball now but not like those days that I would play everyday, anywhere with anyone. It started when I was 8 years old. I knew the sport at school and I automatically fell in love with it. I couldn't play at school grounds since it was not allowed. My milo ball was confiscated when I played there that sent me crying. I learned to play at a court near our subdivision. I played alone at first then at summer I joined a team. I was only a kid then of course and only made a couple of baskets. The experience that it gave me and the thrill of it was a different story. As I reached 12 years old my doctor ordered me to stop playing hoops. I had a knee injury that needed rest to heal. I was in the s

Building Up Character: I am underconstruction.

Character is a noun here. It is something that everybody has, it comes in very unique packages, it is developed as time goes by. As I was reading Purpose Driven Life Day 22. It really came to me that God is much much interested in the character that we are building. As my 22nd birthday draw closer I start to assess my life day after day until I reach June 9. Yesterday, God revealed to me how I could develop and grow my Character. I was about to mention my positive characteristics that I have but decided just to give you a list of the characters that I am praying to develop. Be more Patient Avoid Hot-head edness (is that a word?) haha Love the Unlovable The big 'O': Be Obedient Have huge amount of Faith I know there are other things that I like to attain as I mature. Just like in math: As time increases, Maturity/Growth increases. I highlighted some phrases in the book that really spoke to me. "Obedience unlocks God's power." Since I desire to be Christ-like I ne

It Is Not Always About Academics

In a recent exchange of text messages with my friend, I was brought to another part in my life when I was in my elementary level. I entered a christian school as a grade 2 student and didn't care much about academics. I guess that is natural for kids at that age. I remember the times that I started learning how to type properly and play games using stairs called "A B C." But one thing that I will never forget is the end of 2 nd grade. It is a tradition that awards will be given to academic achievers and be recognized at the end of a school year. I never felt so left out that afternoon when all my friends we being called since they have achieved high grades. I never knew what my grades were that school year and I bet it wasn't low but I felt that I was a dumb kid. I cried running towards my father when I told him that I was not included in the top 10. I think he said something like "try harder next year" ' coz it was instilled in me that I would do a lo

Mother's Day

First, Let me introduce you to my mom. Her name is Edith Marina Carillo Lacap . Here is a picture of her with her loving husband, my dad, Vic Lacap . Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there and especially to my beloved mother. For this day I made a poem for her. It is entitled "IMA." Ima is a kapampangan term for the term mother. That is what I call my mom since my dad is kapampangan (hometown is Pampanga). Here goes: Ima you're so wonderful to me Since i was young and little until the time that will be Ima you comfort me with your voice I will always choose you even i have another choice Ima you're a blessing to our family Please continue sharing it eternally Ima how delightful the way you cook "Nutrition is the best" you learned it in the book Ima your love is the best part In good and bad times you never fall apart Ima the likes of you are the light of this earth Mother's day reminds me what you are really worth

Wild at Heart

This will be my version of a book review. Wild at Heart is a book by John Eldredge. It is a book that will discover the secret of a man's soul. It is a amazing that men are very interesting and mysterious like women. The adventure and journey to unlock the real man sleeping in your soul is essential in a man. We, men, have different scenarios in our lives but there is always an instinctive urge for man to be the real man. A lot of people can affect the way we live. Our parents, our peers, our relatives, even the other people surrounding us. There are important stages that was stated in the book. The wound, The battle, and the beauty to rescue. I'm not an expert in books actually I rarely finish a book. What I am saying here is my own opinions about it. It really impacted me in a way that I now learn the reason behind all of my adventurous and ambitious dreams. It is not me being a crazy or being a poser. It is just me being a man. The wound that I discovered is the way fathers

Dreams do come true

Did you experienced having a dream that was so so so true? It kinda sucks when you wake up and realize that it was only a dream. I dream a lot of dreams. There were those scary, traumatic dreams. There were happy, bright, lovely dreams. But the scary thing about dreams are that they might come true! It is amazing if the happy dreams come true but what about those negative dreams? Growing up I often have nightmares. I remember sleeping on the double deck bed, my sister is lying down, I would get up and just feel horribly frightened. I could go down and open the lights of the living room. I would sit there until my fears are all gone. As a boy I would beg God to let me forget those dreams. My nightmares were from movies that I watch. Take note I was a young boy during this time. I was afraid of: Robocop - He's scary man! Men in black - Weird aliens Volcano, Dante's peak, other natural disasters - I get paranoid that it would happen anytime I would also get action pack dreams. I

Shoot for the moon!

I found this saying while I was looking for information for my thesis project robot. This is such an odd place to see this but I really really liked it. This really sums up what I am thinking and desiring these past days. "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars!" Wow! It really spoke to me since I'm very excited for the career I will be heading and I have big dreams, big expectations for myself. I aim very high. Like what the saying says, Shoot for the moon . I want to be on top of a company within 10 years. I don't have any idea how that will happen but if that does not come true I will land among the stars . I will push myself with perseverance and passion and of course with the help of God. I dream to have a dream house, a dream business, a dream gift to give. I, myself, know that all that I aspire is nonsense since I haven't graduated yet. But I really believe and feel that this will happen. I pray with sincerity that God will fue

What is it with me and trees

What is it with me and trees? This is a funny story that happened during my childhood. I like to climb trees. I don't really know why. haha! I start to laugh just thinking about these different occasions where I climbed. First I could remember myself climbing a tree somewhere in Makati while waiting for my mom do here mail. I remember waiting in the parking lot with, I think was, Mang David. These were the times that Makati still has plenty of trees around. I started climbing the tree and just rested there. Another story was when we went to Pangasinan to visit some relatives. And I remember upon arriving our destination I just went to a bayabas tree and tried climbing it! It was a little silly coz a bayabas tree doesn't have strong branches and roughly has any. Okay this is my favorite tree climbing experience. This happened in a historic park in China. We were having a vacation and as tourists we went to different parks. I remember this so well this it was documented in vide

Being a Country-boy

Our family used to reside in Binan, Laguna in a subdivision called Country Homes. So, that makes me a 'Country-boy'. I remember my childhood years when I go out play with my neighbors. We would climb trees, fly kites, play filipino games like: patintero, taguan, tats-bol, tumbang preso, and many more! Wow, I'm starting to miss those days now. I remember going outside everyday at 4pm after having my 3pm snack. I will find my playmates at the street and we would start playing different things until the sun is not shining anymore. I will narrate a scene that is printed in my mind. It was a hot summer morning and my friends: Miko, JC, Mac-Mac, Pol were just hanging around JC's house. I joined them and after some small talk we decided to pick indian mangoes from the back of JC's house. With our minds set on climbing the tree, we already got out own knives to immediately eat the mangoes after picking them, we rushed to the tree with excitement. I like to climb trees. I ha