What is it with me and trees

What is it with me and trees? This is a funny story that happened during my childhood. I like to climb trees. I don't really know why. haha! I start to laugh just thinking about these different occasions where I climbed.

First I could remember myself climbing a tree somewhere in Makati while waiting for my mom do here mail. I remember waiting in the parking lot with, I think was, Mang David. These were the times that Makati still has plenty of trees around. I started climbing the tree and just rested there. Another story was when we went to Pangasinan to visit some relatives. And I remember upon arriving our destination I just went to a bayabas tree and tried climbing it! It was a little silly coz a bayabas tree doesn't have strong branches and roughly has any.

Okay this is my favorite tree climbing experience. This happened in a historic park in China. We were having a vacation and as tourists we went to different parks. I remember this so well this it was documented in video. I was wearing this chinese clothes with a chinese hat that has a fake ponytail at back. Can you imagine me now? I was a little 5 year old boy you was so playful. Then we were in the park and my dad suddenly said "VJ! go climb the tree." since I was a tree beside me. I attempted climbing it right away. I think I reach the first branch when suddenly there was someone yelling! It was a chinese woman yelling something it chinese. Hahaha! We never knew what she was shouting but it was captured in video as well. At since the yelling surprised me, I paniced and quickly went down and ran like a ghost was after me. My frightened face was captured in video and it is absolutely funny! I have this imagination that the chinese woman was chasing me with a broom in her hand. I don't know if that image is fact, but that is what is in my mind. I hope I could find that fottage. It is a funny one!

I love the moments that are caught in video. Those memories are still in my mind and in betamax. Hehe! Definetly, when I saved enough I will invest my money in a Sony HD cam. This will capture important memories that I like to capture and hold to. Ohh, I can't wait!


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