Being a Country-boy

Our family used to reside in Binan, Laguna in a subdivision called Country Homes. So, that makes me a 'Country-boy'. I remember my childhood years when I go out play with my neighbors. We would climb trees, fly kites, play filipino games like: patintero, taguan, tats-bol, tumbang preso, and many more! Wow, I'm starting to miss those days now. I remember going outside everyday at 4pm after having my 3pm snack. I will find my playmates at the street and we would start playing different things until the sun is not shining anymore. I will narrate a scene that is printed in my mind.

It was a hot summer morning and my friends: Miko, JC, Mac-Mac, Pol were just hanging around JC's house. I joined them and after some small talk we decided to pick indian mangoes from the back of JC's house. With our minds set on climbing the tree, we already got out own knives to immediately eat the mangoes after picking them, we rushed to the tree with excitement. I like to climb trees. I have other ocassions where I climb trees (another story). While we were enjoying our mango picking. Out of the blue, we decided to build a 'tree-house'. It doesn't look like a tree house since it was only done in 1 hour but in our greatest imaginations, it was perfect. I remember gathering any material that we could find. We got sooo dirty that morning. I remember placing a back board of a basketball hoop in a branch so that it could be my sitting spot. It was amazing! All of us were on different branches of that mango tree sitting, eating, some of my friends even lied down on a branch. Everything was great until it hit noontime. One by one we needed to go to our real houses. My mother called me since it was lunchtime already. With our clothes, feet, hands dirty, I headed home. I cannot rememeber if we went back to that tree but what I remember was the fun that we experienced on top that mango tree.


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