Dreams do come true

Did you experienced having a dream that was so so so true? It kinda sucks when you wake up and realize that it was only a dream. I dream a lot of dreams. There were those scary, traumatic dreams. There were happy, bright, lovely dreams. But the scary thing about dreams are that they might come true! It is amazing if the happy dreams come true but what about those negative dreams?

Growing up I often have nightmares. I remember sleeping on the double deck bed, my sister is lying down, I would get up and just feel horribly frightened. I could go down and open the lights of the living room. I would sit there until my fears are all gone. As a boy I would beg God to let me forget those dreams. My nightmares were from movies that I watch. Take note I was a young boy during this time. I was afraid of:

Robocop - He's scary man!
Men in black - Weird aliens
Volcano, Dante's peak, other natural disasters - I get paranoid that it would happen anytime

I would also get action pack dreams. I see myself jumping of roofs and shooting guns. Sometimes I would have a partner, one of the close friends. Then we would shoot or box the enemy. But usually it always ends up me falling down somewhere. It is funny how most of dreams before wake me up with the last scene of helplessly free falling. One dream that I wont forget is the scene that my younger brother had a seizure. It was a bit different from what really happened but hey I had a premonition about it. I recall that it was dark and I was outside when I heard my mother screaming my brother's name. I rushed to the house and remember seeing him hurt. I wasn't sure what happened but I couldn't do anything. I woke up with a terrible feeling. haha! It didn't make any sense at that time but after some months. It happened. I was in school but according to the stories of others, It was like that. He survived that seizure attack but every other year my brother has attacks like that one.

Of course I have happy dreams. Dreams like I saw myself hugging the woman I love. But it always sucks because you will never see the face of the beautiful, perfect woman that you are with. Haha! Maybe that's a mystery of life that we can never understand. We might walk pass by her, or she's just around you, or someone you met in a seminar. It sucks but it always boils down to trusting God that He works behind the scenes. Our life it like a movie. God is the director, producer, and the talent manager. With that on mind, I know my movie will not flop.


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