Shoot for the moon!

I found this saying while I was looking for information for my thesis project robot. This is such an odd place to see this but I really really liked it. This really sums up what I am thinking and desiring these past days.

"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars!"

Wow! It really spoke to me since I'm very excited for the career I will be heading and I have big dreams, big expectations for myself. I aim very high. Like what the saying says, Shoot for the moon. I want to be on top of a company within 10 years. I don't have any idea how that will happen but if that does not come true I will land among the stars. I will push myself with perseverance and passion and of course with the help of God. I dream to have a dream house, a dream business, a dream gift to give. I, myself, know that all that I aspire is nonsense since I haven't graduated yet. But I really believe and feel that this will happen. I pray with sincerity that God will fuel me to achieve these. By faith, God gives me these dreams and also by faith, I will cling on God daily to help me become a better person that He wants me to be.

I am a person who dreams big, aspires big, wants the best. This is because I know that God's plan also wants to give me a hope and a future (Jeremiah 33:3). I pray that God will teach me to become a good steward of what He will lend me. I also pray that God will teach me to invest more on the things unseen (treasures in heaven) rather than the material things (worldly treasures). I want to shoot for the moon, badly. But if i miss, I will land somewhere pretty close. I land among the stars. Something that I will never miss, it the target on heaven. Oh, That's a bulls eye!


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