Discipler-Disciple Relationship

I think it is about time to share my experience as a Discipler. Well the term 'Discipler' is not really a known english term but it came from the word Disciple. A Discipler is someone who disciples. This term was introduced to me when I started attending CCF and also heard this term from CCC (Campus Crusade for Christ) people.

Now, I want to share the importance of this relationship and why it is a privilege to become a discipler.

Discipleship is a biblical term to describe what Jesus did to train his disciples. What not all people know is that Jesus had many followers not only the 12. The 12 disciples were the selected few, the stand outs and the ones who followed Jesus for 3 years. From the 12 Jesus selected 3 people, Peter, James, and John. These 3 were his closest disciples. These disciples were not only followers of Jesus but also became his friends. Jesus' disciples had the privilege to have a front row seat to every miracle, every teaching, every amazing event that took place that were told in the Bible. Jesus is the ultimate discipler that makes every christian to imitate him.

I was in my 20s when I started discipling young men. I was just like all the other christians who were hesitating to assume the role. People were asking if I would want to disciple but no one really pressured me. But the thought of becoming a discipler played in my mind. It made me assess my life back then. What was my life then?

I am not sure but I think it was year 2008,
-I am still studying in college taking Computer Engineering
-I was still playing college basketball
-I just came out from a relationship
-I was a member of a student-athlete org, AIA

Today, I can say that my life wasn't that busy but back then I was all over the place. College was very stressful, playing basketball is very tiring. But as a Christian, I can humbly say that I was almost equipped. That is why I was excited to start discipling young men. I am blessed to be born to a christian family and have an elder sister who was on-fire for God (she now serves full-time as a missionary for CCC). I am also blessed to meet godly men who influenced my spiritual life and shaped who I was then.

Now I started having disciples when JC, my camp discipler, told me that he will become the youth ministry head and handed over his disciples/my camp-mates to me. I then learned how to be a discipler on the fly, as life went on. I remembered telling them that I encouraged them to "follow me, as I follow Christ" just like what Paul said. 

I then met with them weekly but the number decreased [Note: the number attending your dgroup is not your fault]. I was contacting them via text and facebook but some of them just lost interest. It came to a point that I was only discipling 1 guy! But I know that God is sovereign and I continued. I met with Matthew studying the book of Hebrews. New members came and some from the old group returned. Our group now meets with 6-8 regular attendees although most of them as still absent but I still consider them part of the group. But this contradicts the original definition of a disciple. Here comes the challenge.

Discipleship's goal is to teach what the Bible is saying and guide each person to pursue Christ-likeness and have a godly lifestyle. This is however only possible if the disciple is present. It is difficult and almost impossible to develop this relationship if they or you do not spend time together. It was a lot easier for me to spend time with them when I attend Jzone (now called Elevate) every Saturday. 

As a discipler I invested my Time, Talents and Treasure for my group. Spending time is the best way to influence them. As a discipler your life should be these young people's model. They need to see that you apply what the Bible teach [Note: You don't need to be cool, hip, or be in so that your disciples will follow you]. What every discipler needs to do is to life a genuine christian's lifestyle. If your main purpose is to glorify God and hate sin, because it offends God, then you don't need to be to conscious with your life. A discipler cannot fake his spiritual life.

As a discipler, I needed to extend my hand to reach out to every individual. I needed to regularly check up on them, either via text, call or facebook/twitter. It was my responsibilities and should be my initiative to care for them. A discipler needs to know their disciples just like a shepherd who knows, understands his flock.

The discipler-disciple relationship for me is so wonderful because you can guide them to grow as Christians. I told my disciples that they will forever be my disciples except if they leave the group. I told them that I am only a step ahead of them in life but we will be together until the end of our lives. I let them image that when I start working-you start college or graduating college, when I get married-you are now working, when I have kids-you are getting married, when I have growing kids-you are having kids. This continues until I die-you visit my funeral. It is a constant mentoring of these young men. 

I can deeply say that I love these brothers that God allowed me to know and mentor. I told you that disipling is a privilege it is because you see right in front of your eyes God's awesome power as he change and transform their lives [Note: it is not the disciplers' task to make his disciples grow]. All I did was to be a faithful student of the Word and faithful teacher of the Word, feed and tend them.

May God be glorified as he continues to use me, a sinner save by grace.

Last note. [Note: I can't wait to disciple my own children]


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