The Reason Why I believe in Reformed Theology

It is no secret that I believe in the reformed theology. The theology that Martin Luther resurfaced when he nailed his 95 these to Wittenburg Cathedral door. This is also the theology that John Calvin embraced. That is why sometimes the reformed theology is synonymous to Calvinism or the teachings of Calvin. But let me be quick to say that these teachings are not new even to Luther and Calvin's time, reformation era was during the 1500s. These teachings are conclusions of what the Bible teaches. 

The book of Romans is shouting these doctrines since its writing. Jesus also talks about them (visit So this means that the reformed theology came from the Bible and Jesus himself.

But it is sad that these doctrines are being rejected and always being debated. Why? Because they are hard to swallow. Why are they hard to swallow or accept? Because it is contrary to the teachings that are used these days. Now they teach that everybody will go to heaven (Wrong!), that we need to decide to receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior (Wrong! Man is so sinful that we can not even think of anything good. God chose us, called us and saves us. Man has no part at all.). There are more seemingly correct teachings but when studied turns out to be wrong.

Now the reason why I believe in this theology is not because I claim that I know a lot about the Bible. Yet I try to study the Bible to strengthen my spiritual life. I believe that I am only scratching the surface of these doctrines and the word's effect is really a double-edged sword that pierces me. When I study the Bible more and reveal these doctrines, it makes me feel more unworthy of the grace that God gives and magnifies the greatness and power of the sovereign true God.

I can say that these doctrines are true without any hesitations but again not because of what I know but because of the credible people who have labored, studied, and even died to study and preach these truths. It you have time to search people like John Macarthur, John Piper (to name a few) who devotes their entire life to study the Word. And even famous preachers/theologians like Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley were all influenced and believed the reformed theology.

If these men, godly devoted men, who spent and continues to spend their lives studying the Bible and agreed with this theology, who am I to question these doctrines. I love the fact that what I believe in is also what they believed it. Upon studying these doctrines, I was even surprised to find out that some of the people I mentioned are reformed/calvinists.

If you are one of those who reject these doctrines, remember that these are the men who lived to glorify God through their study of the Bible. They validated, confirmed, concluded that they are indeed the teachings that the bible teaches. Do not easily reject this teaching without laboring or studying the Bible. If your proof of rejecting these doctrines are just hear-says and opinions from other people, then you are only offending godly, devoted men or even God Himself. If you are not convinced of these theology, they dive into the wonderful truths found in the Bible without any bias or influence with you.

Lastly, let me say that I believe that without any influence of these doctrines, teachings, or of any reformed people then you study the Bible correctly and are guided by the Holy Spirit with a pure motive to learn, you will end up with the same doctrines and form the same theology.

Father, thank you for grace. Amen.

Indeed the Word of God is like the sun, shining upon all those to whom it is proclaimed, but with no effect among the blind. Now, all of us are blind by nature in this respect... Accordingly, it cannot penetrate into our minds unless the Spirit, as the inner teacher, through his illumination makes entry for it.-John Calvin


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