How far are you willing to dream.

Dreams doesn't only happen when you are asleep. This is a mental activity that an individual choose to have. Dreams are free. You can long for something or even someone that does not exist or yet to happen. There are different kinds of dreams: small once, big once, very big once and the impossibly big once. It is very difficult to dream something that always seemed impossible in your life. Maybe this is because you don't have much, just like me. And you often picture yourself in the best possible scene. There might even come a time when your dreams are rained down on. There is a saying that goes: "If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time." by Marcel Proust.

These past months, I find myself dreaming, dreaming, and dreaming some more. That is why I thought "How far should I dream?" In life, success is s
omething everybody wants. I saw a friend's post (Micay Gapuz) in facebook just now. "success is—being what God meant for you to be." God instilled these dreams in me for a reason just like when He made me for a reason. In other cases I dream a lot for my God's Best (GB) or the girl that God allocated for me. I never given this thought until yesterday. Do you know the love story scenarios in the movies where the rich and famous end up with an ordinary person? I was thinking something like that. I had only one word that kept me form this thought. "IMPOSSIBLE." How is this thing possible? But the question is am I willing to dream this far? I haven't answered this yet. It hard, really hard. But as I search for quotes about dreams, I encountered these:
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." by Anatole France

"You see things; and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"" by George Bernard Shaw

"A man's dreams are an index to his greatness."' by Zadok Rabinowitz
As I continue to dream. Optimism and perseverance is needed but TRUST and FAITH is what makes these dreams happen. So, instead of me saying "IMPOSSIBLE" I can answer back with "Why not?." And just like what the bible teaches us "NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE to GOD!"


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