Building Up Character: I am underconstruction.
Character is a noun here. It is something that everybody has, it comes in very unique packages, it is developed as time goes by. As I was reading Purpose Driven Life Day 22. It really came to me that God is much much interested in the character that we are building. As my 22nd birthday draw closer I start to assess my life day after day until I reach June 9. Yesterday, God revealed to me how I could develop and grow my Character. I was about to mention my positive characteristics that I have but decided just to give you a list of the characters that I am praying to develop.
- Be more Patient
- Avoid Hot-headedness (is that a word?) haha
- Love the Unlovable
- The big 'O': Be Obedient
- Have huge amount of Faith
Another thing that is mentioned in Day 22 is the encounter with difficult times. I loved Day 22 because of this. Life is supposed to be difficult! It's what enables us to grow! I love growing, maturing, developing myself! I want to run the race and become like Christ, who is my Savior and Lord.
trails, tests, obstacles, failures, sufferings, hardships are coming up!
