
Showing posts from 2011

Adding New Faith Goals for 2012

The year 2011 is over and I think this is a year that passed so quickly. But why? It is really this fast when you are a member of the working society? Because it went by so fast I wasn't able to keep all the faith goals that I set for 2011. But again by faith I'd like to keep that list and add some more. :) +1. By Faith, I'd like to tithe more that the expected 10% of my earnings/salary every Sunday and learn to bless others. +2. By Faith, I would like to bond more often and mentor the boys (disciples) entrusted to me. +3. By Faith, I can read the whole Bible in a year. (time to get me a new Bible reading plan. :p) +4. By Faith, I will work out, exercise and get into other sports. (I pray for strength, Lord) +5. By Faith, I will memorize the name of the people I meet and successfully match them with their faces. Hahaha +6. By Faith, I will widen my vocabulary and improve my grammar. :( +7. By Faith, I will read more than 10 books in 2012. :) I Pray that God will help me r

2011 Highlights: HK

  Last June I spend 4 days in Hongkong. I enjoyed my stay there and saw how lovely the city is. They say that 1 picture contains a thousand words so I will just show some random pictures I took from my HK album. :D  PS. These pictures remind me of God's goodness. :)  

The Treasure Principle for Christmas

I am currently reading The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn which talks about handling the money that God gives us. This book changed my perspective in the way I handle my finances. Maybe this is God's reason why He brought me to this state of 'nothingness'. I lost my smart phones, dropped my good paying job, drained my savings and my ipod got stolen. Maybe this is it. I might have not learned this lesson if I cling to these treasures. The book reminded me that all my possessions are God's. He owns everything that I possess. I also learned to invest on eternity. Why work hard for material things that you cannot bring to heaven? What struck me was the story of a missionary who had dropped all his wealth (coming from an affluent family) and served God in Egypt where he eventually died. He invested on eternity. I don't know who said this but they say there are only 3 things that will last until eternity: God, His Word (Bible), and people's souls. Another thin

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

If there is a man that lived on this earth aside from the people in the Bible that I want to model, it would be this man, Charles Haddon Spurgeon. He lived from 1834 to 1892 in England. What really made me adore him is that he truly at a young age grasped the true gospel and very humbly lived his life. I think it was a year ago when I found interest in this man being mentioned by pastors like John Macarthur and John Piper. I then started to read his autobiography online in the web or even mobile web. My interest was revived when I watched this 1-hour video in youtube about him. Sharing the link here.  It was amazing learning from a life of a single man. He was a very popular pastor in England gaining respect even from the royal family. Learning from his life story, at age 15 he came to truly came to know God after making God realize how dark his heart was. Wait, at age 15 he was conscious about the gravity of sin? Yes, he was afraid of God

My Wana-Do-Soon list

Random thoughts. :) Learn how to paint. Not on walls but on a canvases. Climb a mountain. Those tall mountains in the Philippines. Visit gorgeous beaches in the Philippines. White sand, virgin beaches. Go CWC-ing. Wake boarding. Hot air balloon-ing. I think this is an annual event in Clark. Road trip with a friend to anywhere. Luzon area only. Photowalk around Manila. New lens is required. I wanted to put pictures for each wanna-do-soon item but chose not to. I will just edit photo's of me actually doing these things na lang. God-willing. :)

Keep Moving Forward

According to the movie Meet the Robinsons, that I just finished watching. We must keep moving forward. It is not a principle that the world create for us but was already written in the Bible when Paul says that our life is like a race we need to press on towards the goal to attain the prize (Philippian 3:14-15). This teaches us to focus on the future things that we can do in our lives to impact other lives and glorify God. Applying this saying in my life there are a lot of things I need to forget and just keep moving forward. Since this is a blog that I guess no one reads I will share some parts of is what's going on in my life. Just this September, I quit my corporate job with a big company and ended my career. I gave it all up to pursue what I love doing and later on pray to begin studying to become a servant of the LORD, to become a pastor. I want to use my time and energy, my prime, for greater things. Things that has eternal value. But lately I have been asking myself if I

Not My Usual Bus Ride

Comute. Almost everyday I commute riding tricycles, jeepneys, buses. I survived college, getting all around the metro, even going to provinces occasionally commuting. But last October 26, 2011 wasn't my usual commute. On my way to Taft avenue from Quezon city, I decided to take a route I haven't tried. It is a ride Quezon ave to Taft. I have different options getting there. I can ride a jeepney, a FX, or a bus. For this trip I rode a bus. I thought this would be a fast route but to my surprise the traffic was heavy. I was about to meet a friend to have lunch in Taft and hoped to get there asap. Glacing at my watch it was almost 6pm. Rush hour. People from offices and schools rushing to get home. All of the sudden a woman entered our bus and started speaking in front of the bus. Using our native tongue and while the FM radio is on, she shared some verses in the bible. She started with some verses in Revelation pertaining to the 2nd death or hell. After some explainations she

Why I Said Goodbye to Dating

I am no expert in relationships but as a guy in his near mid-20s I experienced and relationships I've seen and encountered, You might find it interesting what I can share about dating. But take note, I am still single and not in a relationship. Courting or Dating. These two are not in the bible. When asking people what courting means, they say that it is purposely pursuing someone having the intention of ending up with that person. Of course ending up in marriage. On the other hand, dating is going out with people you are interested in. They say this is the stage of getting to know the person checking if the two of you will fit or meant for each other. You may date several people before choosing the best fit for you. I am not proud to say, but this was once my stand. I am not saying that dating is sin but I truly believe that dating is not appropriate. It will cause havoc to the feelings of the people you date and produce false hope. Look at it this way, will you try on differen

More Than Winning

As I contemplate on the decision I made to end my corporate career I am welcomed by a company together with Christian friends established. More Than Winning - Sports Consultancy (MTW). We focus on helping athletes in their respective sports. I love that I look at this as one of my ministries and really find pleasure in it. God has blessed us to have BJ Manalo, my mentor, to spearhead this company. Honestly, At first I didn't see its value but when I saw the Julius Colina one of the Adamson Falcons came to know Jesus personally and is continually growing in the faith. I knew that this is something that God will use to advance His kingdom. I will be given the opportunity to be speak during sessions and develop training materials for MTW. Yes this is work but its more of a passion for me. I would gladly to this without pay. Just to see that we are making an impact in lives of athletes is satisfying. God gives us these passion in our hearts that we cannot run from. I knew that God wil


During this year's Shepherds' Conference, my discipler/mentor, Peter Martin gave me a hardbound copy of Slave by Pastor John Macarthur. He gave this gift to me since it was some time then that I first preached in our youth service. I was thrilled to have the latest book of John Macarthur (during that time, March 2011) and cant wait to start reading it. I have pending books to read but this immediately jumped in the top 1 book to finish. A little background of me, I am not somebody who loves to read or find pleasure in reading. I grew up during the time where computer games and gaming consoles make kids crazy. And I was one of them. I also love playing basketball. The only books I open when I was a kid is my Bible (being forced to read by my mom), and textbooks (only when needed). So this made me growing up a bit allergic reading books. I think it was 2006 when BJ Manalo, another mentor of mine, started sharing books to me. He has tons of books that can really widen your

How Can I Pray For You Today?

I just want to make a post of what I should be praying for today July 27, 2011 Ministries: Jzone Alabang Leaders' spiritual health (studying scripture, motives, integrity, passion) Jzoners' readiness to accept the Word, not to attend Jzone to be entertained, motives, hunger for Jesus Lost series: success in all preparations (media, tech, music, admin, usher, discipleship, preaching), visitors to be drawn by God, Jzoners' to be true Jesus zones outside CCF. CCF Basketball Purity in the preaching of the Gospel and center court devotions Players to attend not just to play but mainly to hear the Word No injuries or bad events. Good weather (Juaning to leave Philippines) Companies: More Than Winning Team's purpose and passion (heart, inspired, motives) God to bless our purpose of existing Clients to hire us and to be open in letting us influence them Players/coaches/faculties' heart to be open and ready to accept the Word and be changed Smart Netph

Failed Doomsday

It is because of this . They predicted that the world will end on May 21, 2011. And yeah like all the other failed predictions they said they based it is the BIBLE. Right the question is what kind of Bible did they read? It is very clear in Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32 says that "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." HOW CLEARER CAN GOD BE?! NO ONE KNOWS! (caps lock for emphasis). And the effect of this stupid non-sense that they scattered all over the world is to make the rest of the people (who doesn't believe in the Bible) be more sarcastic about the authority of the Bible. The bible is absolutely true. Regardless of all this mis-reading of it. A lot of other "preachers" mis-read it. Making God a genie that makes people prosper or a God that doesn't hate sin so much. People now will look down at the Bible because of these

Faith Walk

By Faith... This is a phrase that you probably hear often from Christians and know that this is what fuels beliefs and religion. But Faith is something too big of a word for us. It is something we can never understand. How it operates. How it happens. But what we know is the reality of absolute truth. Absolute truth is know that any external factors added or altering the subject absolute truth still prevails. Like gravity, absolute truth is that when you are in 10 storeys high building and you jump off the building, I am more that 100% sure that you will fall. What we believe in, Divine Trinity and the Bible is just like that. It is a fact in life that all is real. No matter who tries to disprove it or what ways they do to destroy it, nothing and I mean NOTHING can change that truth. Absolute truth. By Faith we live by the spirit. Nobody can be 100% sure that we are walking the path that God intends us to take but by Faith we know that we are doing His will if we live and obey th

The Real Miracle

The only real miracle that I see in my life is the time God shook me into reality that I am not a Christian without obeying. Its a big miracle first to me, a sinful dirty piece of trash (Romans 3:23), to have given the chance to hear the name of Jesus. Now that I intellectually know that Jesus is God would make me think that: "Oh I am good, I am safe and will go to heaven since that is what the bible says." but faith without action is dead (James 2:17). Part of the only miracle that happened to me is to see the worth of the bible. Without God being merciful enough for Him to reveal His words to me as perfect and true and spoken by Him (2 Tim 3:16) I wouldn't experience this miracle. To a natural man he will see the bible only as a book written by man without authority but this is normal for all the words of God is foolishness to the perishing (1 Cor 1:18). For me to hate your sinful activities and obey the things written in the bible with joy. Repenting and striving with

A Christian Youth

1 Timothy 4:12 says "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." Paul was telling Timothy (his disciple and in his 20's) that when he preach and teach the truth, which is the Word of God, he should not be discouraged. Notice that Paul told Timothy to be an example. To live a life pleasing to God.  In SPEECH, who now a days do not curse? Sad to say that even modest girls now curse. Be careful in what you say. In the book of James, He talks about the danger of losing control of our tongue. Do you like bursting in laugher when you tease a classmate/friend or maybe you are the one making fun or saying negative things about your classmate/friend? But you who says that you are a Christian must not act this way.  In CONDUCT. Are you wearing clothes that are glorifying to God? Wait what do I mean with this? You are glorifying God with you're clothes if you help your brothers and siste

No Pork!

While waiting for New Year's eve I played with my neighbors a pick-up basketball game. We called it "the year end game". If was fun of course I was playing the sport that I love. But what happened after the game was not something Ill love or even like. As 2011 was approaching I felt a sharp painful feeling in my left chest. It was not that painful but it was constantly hitting me. I felt the ache till my back.  Now this is the introduction why I decided to watch what I eat. I was afraid that my heart might fail and I would just die. Even while playing basketball. Starting 2011 I was cutting pork from my menu. Only pork for now cause it is fatty and clogs the arteries. I am trying to avoid fried food too but sometimes it is just impossible to resist food. Just like last night when I ate a yellow cab pizza during a meeting. That was the 1st time that I ate pork. Well I can't be perfect and totally avoid pork but the main idea is that I need to watch now what I will ea