A Christian Youth

1 Timothy 4:12 says "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity."

Paul was telling Timothy (his disciple and in his 20's) that when he preach and teach the truth, which is the Word of God, he should not be discouraged. Notice that Paul told Timothy to be an example. To live a life pleasing to God. 

In SPEECH, who now a days do not curse? Sad to say that even modest girls now curse. Be careful in what you say. In the book of James, He talks about the danger of losing control of our tongue. Do you like bursting in laugher when you tease a classmate/friend or maybe you are the one making fun or saying negative things about your classmate/friend? But you who says that you are a Christian must not act this way. 

In CONDUCT. Are you wearing clothes that are glorifying to God? Wait what do I mean with this? You are glorifying God with you're clothes if you help your brothers and sisters not to sin. Boys are very visual thats why you, Christian women, must be careful in what you wear. Please help us Christian men not to fall. Men you must be careful in how you act, move. Remove the swagger when you walk, the rudeness to other.

In LOVE. Your love to God, to Christ and to one another. We the bible says one another this is to co-believers. But of course as Christians we must be good to all.

In FAITH. Exercise your faith! Believe in grace! It is because of it God accepts us. Learn to be an example to your friends by holding on into the faith that saves you. True saving faith.

In PURITY. This is tough for youth thats why Paul says this to Timothy. We must be set apart from the world and be set apart for GOD. Roman 12:1 check it out! We give our spiritual worship through our bodies. If you are in a relationship, make Christ both your first love and obey the Word. Avoid doing stuff that does not defy you as a Christian.

A lot of Young people where used in the Bible. Daniel for example who stood for what God commands not what the King or world commands. He had integrity and total desire to obey and please God. His age was estimated to be 14-21 years old when he did all this. Nothing is impossible with God and we must constantly ready and live out what the Bible says. :D We can do all these with Christ's help strengthening us.


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