Keep Moving Forward

According to the movie Meet the Robinsons, that I just finished watching. We must keep moving forward. It is not a principle that the world create for us but was already written in the Bible when Paul says that our life is like a race we need to press on towards the goal to attain the prize (Philippian 3:14-15). This teaches us to focus on the future things that we can do in our lives to impact other lives and glorify God.

Applying this saying in my life there are a lot of things I need to forget and just keep moving forward. Since this is a blog that I guess no one reads I will share some parts of is what's going on in my life.

Just this September, I quit my corporate job with a big company and ended my career. I gave it all up to pursue what I love doing and later on pray to begin studying to become a servant of the LORD, to become a pastor. I want to use my time and energy, my prime, for greater things. Things that has eternal value. But lately I have been asking myself if I took the right path. I am in a tough financial situation being independent and starting to establish my own future and at times I catch myself anxious about the future. How will I save? What will I do to earn more? Will I ever get the catch to study again? My decision to resign was not a wrong turn in life. My faith and security was put to the test, was it money or God? Worrying is clearly a SIN. I was rebuked by the Bible that I should not worry about anything. (Preachings by John Macarthur on Matthew 6 helped me get the message). I repented of my unbelief towards a powerful God, who is capable of doing the impossible. I don't know what the future holds but I am secured and happy. I will not let that decision affect my present.
In my career, I must keep moving forward. Trusting God and having faith in the path I am now. I must be faithfull in the gifts, talents, and skills that God lent me.

In my evasive love life, my past usually tells what kind of a persaon I am. Identifying me based on my past will not give you an accurate picture of who I am. I have been in relationships that I am not proud of. I hurt and also been hurt. The messy past did make me cry and sometimes regrets that I did or said things that I shouldn't but because of this mistakes I am who I am and I am where I am now. I am to blame in the sins and mistakes that I did but God was so graceful to allow these wounds to be drawn to Him more. I was recently rejected by a girl and yes, it hurts. But the good thing is that I was reminded to focus on God and be deeply inlove to Him. I saw a writting I did in my Bible 2 years ago that says "I love God". I then asked myself if that love grew or diminished? I wanted to fall inlove with Jesus all over again. In my lovelife, I must keep moving forward.

Moving forward should be done with courage and faith. The past helps us to learn from our mistakes and remind us from the good things done. I know that God is carrying me all the way, enabling me to realize things and do it. All the sins I committed, mistakes, heart breaks, decisions. Only by His endless grace I am able to stand and keep moving forward.


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