Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I think it was a year ago when I found interest in this man being mentioned by pastors like John Macarthur and John Piper. I then started to read his autobiography online in the web or even mobile web. My interest was revived when I watched this 1-hour video in youtube about him. Sharing the link here. It was amazing learning from a life of a single man. He was a very popular pastor in England gaining respect even from the royal family.
Learning from his life story, at age 15 he came to truly came to know God after making God realize how dark his heart was. Wait, at age 15 he was conscious about the gravity of sin? Yes, he was afraid of God's wrath but dearly clings to His grace. At age 17, he was already preaching! I was floored when I read this. I said to myself, What was I doing at 17?! I was in college living a care-free life worrying only about grades, video games, basketball. At a young age Spurgeon grew in knowledge from the Bible and from other books. Growing up with his lolo, he was exposed to a vast library. Another thing that amazed me was his humility. He was constantly rebuked by the Word and by himself if his heart is starting to become proud. He, until his death, lived under grace. He never forgot and lost focus of what he was saved from.
Spurgeon's style was to preach in a way that explains the texts to all kinds of people regardless of their social status and age. He preached boldly and was passionate about the gospel. He preached spirit-filled. I want to believe that he even lived spirit-filled. It was said that he preached to 10 million of people during his lifespan but millions more after he died. He left a legacy that until now affects people, like mine. I cannot explain further my adoration for Spurgeon since I want this to be a short blog. If God permits me to become a pastor he will be one of my models in life.
I pray that in my life I could influence in a positive way even 10% of what Spurgeon influenced. But my greatest prayer is that the people will see God not me. I pray from the bottom of my heart that Jesus will be the treasure that I carry and present. I pray that after my service in this world, God will consider my years useful. In everything I do, to God be the Glory.