The Real Miracle

The only real miracle that I see in my life is the time God shook me into reality that I am not a Christian without obeying. Its a big miracle first to me, a sinful dirty piece of trash (Romans 3:23), to have given the chance to hear the name of Jesus. Now that I intellectually know that Jesus is God would make me think that: "Oh I am good, I am safe and will go to heaven since that is what the bible says." but faith without action is dead (James 2:17). Part of the only miracle that happened to me is to see the worth of the bible. Without God being merciful enough for Him to reveal His words to me as perfect and true and spoken by Him (2 Tim 3:16) I wouldn't experience this miracle. To a natural man he will see the bible only as a book written by man without authority but this is normal for all the words of God is foolishness to the perishing (1 Cor 1:18). For me to hate your sinful activities and obey the things written in the bible with joy. Repenting and striving with the help of the Holy Spirit to live this life for His glory and make my Lord smile.

Now here is the real miracle. For all of these truth to swing and hit you and slice your soul. The miracle happens when you start to feel the gravity of your depravity. You are, like I once was, a sinful dirty piece of trash! Without God my friend the miracle that you are much waiting for will not come. The real miracle is for you to be transformed into His likeness. To know that you are a mere sinner forgiven by the Creator, the life giver. This should be enough for you to realize that want to be good and obedient. Not for others to be impressed or hear their praises but for you to suddenly have the outburst of Love for God that you want to give your all for Him. Your time, your strength, your thoughts, your dreams, your all. Matthew 22:37 says "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind." This means give your ALL for God. 

If you desire this and pursue for these. YOU ARE THE MIRACLE. Glory to God and now live for HIM you bond-servant of His. This miracle is the only miracle I'd live for.


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