How Can I Pray For You Today?

I just want to make a post of what I should be praying for today July 27, 2011

Jzone Alabang

  1. Leaders' spiritual health (studying scripture, motives, integrity, passion)
  2. Jzoners' readiness to accept the Word, not to attend Jzone to be entertained, motives, hunger for Jesus
  3. Lost series: success in all preparations (media, tech, music, admin, usher, discipleship, preaching), visitors to be drawn by God, Jzoners' to be true Jesus zones outside CCF.
CCF Basketball

  1. Purity in the preaching of the Gospel and center court devotions
  2. Players to attend not just to play but mainly to hear the Word
  3. No injuries or bad events.
  4. Good weather (Juaning to leave Philippines)
More Than Winning

  1. Team's purpose and passion (heart, inspired, motives)
  2. God to bless our purpose of existing
  3. Clients to hire us and to be open in letting us influence them
  4. Players/coaches/faculties' heart to be open and ready to accept the Word and be changed

  1. Netphone project to be launched on target. No further delays that will hinder our timelines
  2. Leaders to seek God and know who is the real Boss.
  3. That I will be motivated to work and give 100% effort.
  4. By grace, for me to reflect and show what a real Christian is.
Family (This is personal :) )

So letting you know what I am currently praying for. How can I pray for you today? :) God bless and be safe! :)


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