Why I Said Goodbye to Dating

I am no expert in relationships but as a guy in his near mid-20s I experienced and relationships I've seen and encountered, You might find it interesting what I can share about dating. But take note, I am still single and not in a relationship.

Courting or Dating. These two are not in the bible. When asking people what courting means, they say that it is purposely pursuing someone having the intention of ending up with that person. Of course ending up in marriage. On the other hand, dating is going out with people you are interested in. They say this is the stage of getting to know the person checking if the two of you will fit or meant for each other. You may date several people before choosing the best fit for you. I am not proud to say, but this was once my stand. I am not saying that dating is sin but I truly believe that dating is not appropriate. It will cause havoc to the feelings of the people you date and produce false hope. Look at it this way, will you try on different toothbrushes before finding the one for you? What will happen to the other toothbrushes that you tried? This causes pain, unwanted attachments and the consequences are greater than you can imagine. Knowing that you can create this from dating should be enough for you to avoid dating. You can date God revealed you the right person to court.

Finding the ONE person you want to whole heartily pursue is a matter of trust. Trust in God. It is a test of patience, selflessness, love towards others, and guarding your heart. I pray that I learned this sooner but in the same time I know that God let me experience heartaches and pains I caused to teach others that Dating is not the Christian way. I believe waiting for the right time is real LOVE for that person.


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