More Than Winning

I will be given the opportunity to be speak during sessions and develop training materials for MTW. Yes this is work but its more of a passion for me. I would gladly to this without pay. Just to see that we are making an impact in lives of athletes is satisfying. God gives us these passion in our hearts that we cannot run from. I knew that God will take me to places in my corporate career but a stronger desire was given to me in reaching out people thru ministries and even MTW.
God enabled me to have this treasure that I carry and how selfish will I be if I do not share this treasure. I pray that God can maximize my life in ways I couldn't even imagine. Service to God will not be genuine without sacrifice and it is only by grace that I could be where I am now, surrounded and blessed by others godly people. I am glad to re-join MTW. And now I know that my life's goal will be definitely More Than Winning.