Faith Walk

By Faith...

This is a phrase that you probably hear often from Christians and know that this is what fuels beliefs and religion. But Faith is something too big of a word for us. It is something we can never understand. How it operates. How it happens. But what we know is the reality of absolute truth. Absolute truth is know that any external factors added or altering the subject absolute truth still prevails. Like gravity, absolute truth is that when you are in 10 storeys high building and you jump off the building, I am more that 100% sure that you will fall. What we believe in, Divine Trinity and the Bible is just like that. It is a fact in life that all is real. No matter who tries to disprove it or what ways they do to destroy it, nothing and I mean NOTHING can change that truth. Absolute truth.

By Faith we live by the spirit. Nobody can be 100% sure that we are walking the path that God intends us to take but by Faith we know that we are doing His will if we live and obey the truths that the Bible says. Bible tells us not to be caught up in the things of the world. Ecclesiastes was very clear on that. What we must do is to rely on God's words and live with a purpose.

By Faith we hope for things to do and things not to do. Only by Faith we can please God through our lives. Everyday that we live for, every breath that we take in and out, every step that we take. That is by Faith.


Llamarae Dein said…
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