
Showing posts from 2012

Reasons I am Thankful for 2012!

2012 was for me 1 of the fastest years that passed by. it was like a month ago when I was welcoming 2012 and now I am looking back and see God's goodness to me. 1. God's grace overflowing in my life. I feel so undeserving of the mercies that God give me everyday. Jesus is my savior and lord yet I could be honest this year I failed to consistently deny myself and totally obey Jesus. I feel so unworthy of His love and I need to get better in becoming a better follower of Him. 2. God give me the ability to produce wealth. I spent my whole year with MTW Sports and by God's grace He has never failed to meet our needs and sometimes even supply our wants. It is not because of me that I am where I am now but it is only because God placed me here and gave me this set of skills that I can use. Indeed it is not because of my might that I have resources but only because of God. 3. God's best. Of course my 2012 will never be the same without my Love. I thank God that f

Its not about the money, money, Manny!

Yesterday Manny Pacquiao loss via KO against Juan Miguel Marquez in their 4th match against each other. The whole day online news and comments came flooding in Facebook and Twitter. It is so surreal seeing our Pambansang Kamao unconscious. I didn't get the chance to watch the bout live but heard that he loss and last night as I was loading the video in YouTube I was nervous and maybe half afraid to see the punch that knocked out Manny. But in the midst of all the comments flying all over the world wide web it was Manny himself who gave hope to the Filipino people. His character prevailed in the loss. We all know that this year Manny became a born-again christian, boldly sharing his faith and even led sermons. This loss became an opportunity for him to stand up to his new found faith and glorify God. And that was exactly what he did. You will see it in the video I shared from YouTube below. Also in the video you will hear him say that 'it is only material'. He is trying

Date with God

It was a typical wednesday except it was my lovely energetic mother! But besides that it was typical. Woke up, dressed up for work and indeed I worked. A lot of things have been happening in work lately and with all the pressure and changes that keeps on changing. Its challenging! Everyday work looks right at me and stares me down waiting for me to curl down in failure. I love the challenge. I know these tests defines who I am and give glory to God seeing how amazing He crafted me to be. Well work in the office is over and I need to travel to Cainta to handle a coaches' mentoring session (part of MTW Sports' programs) and to beat the unpredictable traffic to Cainta I left 30mins ahead of time. I plugged in my earphones and switched to my 'slow and easy' playlist (secular songs) and just took it easy. I was not being texted which is good and I am not texting as well. Then suddenly it happened. I love it when God just grabs my attention and i really felt His h

No Other Way But Forward

When tough times come bursting in my life I tend to get anxious and worry about all sorts of things. How will I handle this? What will I do? Can I do this? Am I capable of getting through these? But as funny as this sounds, I catch myself preaching to myself verses that I read since I was a boy (Thanks mom for forcing me to read the Bible when I was young). I am also thankful for the godly people around me encouraging me to be faithful, to remember that it is God who is in control, teaching me that life is a marathon. Life is a race. You can hear this statement from anyone now this days and it is. Life is a race and the Bible taught that to us. Hebrews 12:1b "and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us," We indeed need to run with endurance the christian race focussing on the things that God wants us to accomplish. Sometimes it is so easy to be caught up with the world's goals and forget that these things are temporary. Our encouragement must be etern

Mid-twentys Life

I am now 25 years old and over-hearing my mom talk about me over the phone made me realize a lot of things. In other words, it struck me. I think I could say that I am in a situation that I don't really want. I want to analyze the situation and know what steps do I need to do. Lets break it down. I am 25 years old, I graduated from college 2010 with a BS Computer Engineering degree. I had corporate work experience for 1 year with Smart Communications and now 1 year with More Than Winning Sports Consultancy or MTW Sports (a small corporation set up by my mentor). I am still single, but courting somebody (will share in another entry). I am currently given the General Manager role for MTW Sports which means I need to keep it alive and running. I am very passionate in serving God that I originally planned of leaving Smart to study in a Bible school but because of lack of financial support I needed to help full time in MTW Sports. Okay so here I am going through these motions.

Little Black Notebook

Around 2010 to 2011 I was carrying a little black notebook where I right things that are in my mind. I also put there all my devotions for either my Dgroup (CCF's small group) or for the Basketball ministry. But something else is in there. Starting from the last page, I have short notes. Shorts letters. These letters are address to someone I haven't met. I wrote these thinking that this person is somewhere in this world and when I find this person I will these letters.  There were times during 2010 when I was so happy and I really hoped that this person was with me. Or times when I needed this persons words or even presence to lift my sunken heart. I really prayed and hoped to God that this person was with me during those times but I know God is sovereign and in every detail He is in control. Why doubt and worry when I could trust and give thanks to the One who has set everything according to His plans since the beginning of time? I wrote those stuff with her

Intersections of Life

I am sure I am not the only person who passes through Life's intersections. Intersections of Life are those times when you are faced with decisions you know will affect your future. Maybe a university to enroll in, a company to apply in, your career path, your life partner, etc. Your intersections can be subjective depending on the person. Maybe a choice where to eat rice or not is a big thing for oneself but has minimal or no importance to some. I can say that now, year 2012, I am again facing intersections in Life. I know that my life was already planned out by God even before I was born. Now this is the hard part, It is me begging for wisdom to choose the right path. I am not saying that I am in control of my life. Each decision I make can affect other people's life and I know that in whatever path I choose God will allow me to Glorify Him. Proverbs 16:9 "The heart of man plans his ways, but the Lord establishes his steps." In my heart I know I need to weigh all