My Epilepsy Story - Series of Attacks (part 2)

Seizure Attacks

Couple of years ago I kept a seizure log in my mobile phone but unfortunately my phone got stolen and I lost track (I forgot to create a cloud backup - teehee). 

To give a context on my Seizure attacks they started months after being discharged from the hospital. I reported back to work after a month of rest - that is July 2014, and went back in doing my normal routine or lifestyle. But there were funny moments where names and faces do not exactly match in my mind. I got saved from humiliating myself not calling them different names seeing everybody wearing name plates/tags in the Hotel where I work. They were all so happy seeing me, asking all sorts of questions like how it happened, what did I feel, was I in a comatose, etc. It was just happy seeing them and being well received by all of them.

I am also blessed by God giving me the 'aura'. What's that?! Aura is a sensation I feel warning me that a seizure is rising and will happen. The specific aura that I experience is ringing sound I hear and dimming of light. I can estimate that there is a 2-3 seconds before the seizure attack happens. In those 2-3 seconds those are precious seconds or grace periods of my life. I can ask for help or tell them what to do. But of course in conditions like mine there are no guarantee that will I receive the aura 100% before an attack. 

Oh, also I started taking AEDs or Anti-Epilepsy Drugs daily as my maintenance. This controls my possible seizure attacks. I set alarms on my cellphone to remind me to take them - four times in a day - 6AM, 8AM, 6PM, 8PM. Even my teammates in my department remind me of these. I cannot say that I was super consistent due to oversleeping, negligence or even forgetting to bring them.  

The perfect example of an unanticipated attack was the last one.

April 28, 2018 - Last Seizure Attack (so far)

This one is totally different. It was like a 

I was working on a task along the employees hall way in City of Dreams Manila (former employer). It was unavoidable that colleagues will notice, greet or talk to me while doing my task. It was normally not a hard task but requires some concentration and plenty of movements. 

*quick insert* do you know the feeling of immediately standing up from a stationary position (usually from bed or couch) then you suddenly get dizzy or get a quick black out?

Well, doing this task of mine; bending, stretching, reaching out, climbing a ladder, plus some chit-chat with colleagues probably without me realizing is taking a toll to me. 

So here is how it happened, a relatively new colleague of mine asked for directions, which will require you to pass through a fire exit staircase. Then after showing the way, I blacked out. Oh ya, I was on the stairs. 

It was bloody alright. Good thing, seconds after my fall and seize another employee entered and immediately requested for help. At 4:40PM, I was being carried into an ambulance and brought to the nearest hospital.

I saw this happened weeks after returning to work with thanks to the CCTV. The feeling of watching myself fall down the stairs, hit the door knob which caused the cut in my right brow (which was stitched), was unbearable. It was surreal in an anxious uneasy way. Grace be to God that nothing more serious happened. The company also covered all medical treatment and assistance. 

To be continued...


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