Prepare The Field

I remember a short scene in the Christian movie "Facing the Giants" where the pastor and the coach spoke to each other. The pastor spoke of a parable of two farmers praying for rain during a drought. One of the farmers prayed but didn't do anything. While the other farmer prayed and prepared the field that he has. Then the pastor asked the coach if who was the better farmer? The lesson was that it is all by FAITH.

My dad currently is unemployed since he retired from his previous job to rest and also due to distance. We are not rich and not poor but we learned to live a life that leans of God's faithfulness and provisions. Prayer is indeed so powerful and effective. During a week of prayer and fasting last January 10-17. God allowed me to get really close with and and just hug His presence. As pastor EJ Del Mundo (a CCF pastor) said "Fasting is like holding your breath until you cannot hold in anymore. The next moment you catch your breath you will appreciate it so much more." Prayer and fasting, just like air we take it for granted. I learned during fasting that prayer is so much effective. And God always answers prayers. There is no such thing as an unanswered prayer. He answers it with a "Yes", a "No" and a "Not yet today."

Yesterday God surprised my parents when an agent from a life insurance company came to our house. She informed my parents that they have a six figure check that they never claimed. This news shocked my parents. They immediately looked for the papers and yes! There is an unclaimed checked. I thought I would never experience this. Know those kind of stories where Christians just hang on God by faith and God makes a miracle by sending someone with money or food? This is exactly it. God knows our needs and as He promised in His words, He will provide.

Just this night another blessing came. My dad had the result of his prostate test. We were praying hard that he wouldn't be diagnosed as positive and have a prostate cancer. And the God answered our prayers once again. The test showed negative! Amazing how God moves.

I learned just to hang on God. Like what I learned in one of John MacArthur's messages God hears His sheep and the sheep listen to His voice. God listens to my prayers. I cling to His promises and never stop longing to read, to learn, to live His word. Joshua 1:8 says ..."Meditate on it day and night.."


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