It Is Not Always About Academics

In a recent exchange of text messages with my friend, I was brought to another part in my life when I was in my elementary level. I entered a christian school as a grade 2 student and didn't care much about academics. I guess that is natural for kids at that age. I remember the times that I started learning how to type properly and play games using stairs called "A B C." But one thing that I will never forget is the end of 2nd grade. It is a tradition that awards will be given to academic achievers and be recognized at the end of a school year. I never felt so left out that afternoon when all my friends we being called since they have achieved high grades. I never knew what my grades were that school year and I bet it wasn't low but I felt that I was a dumb kid. I cried running towards my father when I told him that I was not included in the top 10. I think he said something like "try harder next year" 'coz it was instilled in me that I would do a lot better next year. Entering grade 3 I had a mission in mind. And yes, In the third quarter I made it in the top 8 and eventually gain that recognition in the end. It was a fulfilling feeling. I'm glad that I'm remembering these events again. I can look back and see the trials and victories that I went through. In the following years the competition academically got tougher and I was consistent being in the top 15 but never became the best. I gained other awards in computer and speech subjects that made me feel good.

This is where I started thinking that academics are good and important but it is not always about academics. I lived this realization during my college years. Sports, music are some examples of areas where you can excel. Life requires different things from you. These aspects can define you who you really are. I heard a report that says that just being expressive through words can make you a genius. In a place that we call the "real" world, intelligence is not the best formula in surviving. It is the right decisions that we choose and perfect timing. It is called easily expressed in our language as "tamang diskarte."

I can say that eventhough I didn't reach a high place in terms of academics. I can proudly say that Im ready to face the real world. God made me experience events in my life that can prepare me for what's ahead. I'm excited where God will bring me. Remember the saying "Do your best and God will do the rest?" I strongly believe that! I know that I need to learn more and never stop learning. Things that you learn outside the classrooms for me is things essential in life. Have a teachable heart.


zaldyalima said…
Hi to you Mr. or Ordinary blogger,whatever the case may be.I agree that in life we need a right "diskarte" for us to survive in any aspects of life,be it in academics, lovelife,or in the workplace.We should be in the right timing.But for most of us,right timing doesn't happen often. Everyday we are trapped by misfortunes and mishaps.I believe that when the going gets tough only the tough gets going. Still,one's intelligence plays a big role in choosing the right diskarte. Like in a chess game, one should be careful what piece to move. Whatever is contained in our mind, let's use it for our advantage. Nobody loves a loser. As much as we can, we must avoid the trap. We don't deserve a checkmate. We should not be a all times. Let us be victorious! Nice knowing you.
Gian Alvarez said…
well said! God bless VJ! :)

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