
Showing posts from April, 2009

Dreams do come true

Did you experienced having a dream that was so so so true? It kinda sucks when you wake up and realize that it was only a dream. I dream a lot of dreams. There were those scary, traumatic dreams. There were happy, bright, lovely dreams. But the scary thing about dreams are that they might come true! It is amazing if the happy dreams come true but what about those negative dreams? Growing up I often have nightmares. I remember sleeping on the double deck bed, my sister is lying down, I would get up and just feel horribly frightened. I could go down and open the lights of the living room. I would sit there until my fears are all gone. As a boy I would beg God to let me forget those dreams. My nightmares were from movies that I watch. Take note I was a young boy during this time. I was afraid of: Robocop - He's scary man! Men in black - Weird aliens Volcano, Dante's peak, other natural disasters - I get paranoid that it would happen anytime I would also get action pack dreams. I

Shoot for the moon!

I found this saying while I was looking for information for my thesis project robot. This is such an odd place to see this but I really really liked it. This really sums up what I am thinking and desiring these past days. "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars!" Wow! It really spoke to me since I'm very excited for the career I will be heading and I have big dreams, big expectations for myself. I aim very high. Like what the saying says, Shoot for the moon . I want to be on top of a company within 10 years. I don't have any idea how that will happen but if that does not come true I will land among the stars . I will push myself with perseverance and passion and of course with the help of God. I dream to have a dream house, a dream business, a dream gift to give. I, myself, know that all that I aspire is nonsense since I haven't graduated yet. But I really believe and feel that this will happen. I pray with sincerity that God will fue

What is it with me and trees

What is it with me and trees? This is a funny story that happened during my childhood. I like to climb trees. I don't really know why. haha! I start to laugh just thinking about these different occasions where I climbed. First I could remember myself climbing a tree somewhere in Makati while waiting for my mom do here mail. I remember waiting in the parking lot with, I think was, Mang David. These were the times that Makati still has plenty of trees around. I started climbing the tree and just rested there. Another story was when we went to Pangasinan to visit some relatives. And I remember upon arriving our destination I just went to a bayabas tree and tried climbing it! It was a little silly coz a bayabas tree doesn't have strong branches and roughly has any. Okay this is my favorite tree climbing experience. This happened in a historic park in China. We were having a vacation and as tourists we went to different parks. I remember this so well this it was documented in vide

Being a Country-boy

Our family used to reside in Binan, Laguna in a subdivision called Country Homes. So, that makes me a 'Country-boy'. I remember my childhood years when I go out play with my neighbors. We would climb trees, fly kites, play filipino games like: patintero, taguan, tats-bol, tumbang preso, and many more! Wow, I'm starting to miss those days now. I remember going outside everyday at 4pm after having my 3pm snack. I will find my playmates at the street and we would start playing different things until the sun is not shining anymore. I will narrate a scene that is printed in my mind. It was a hot summer morning and my friends: Miko, JC, Mac-Mac, Pol were just hanging around JC's house. I joined them and after some small talk we decided to pick indian mangoes from the back of JC's house. With our minds set on climbing the tree, we already got out own knives to immediately eat the mangoes after picking them, we rushed to the tree with excitement. I like to climb trees. I ha