My Epilepsy Story - Series of Attacks (part 2)

Seizure Attacks Couple of years ago I kept a seizure log in my mobile phone but unfortunately my phone got stolen and I lost track ( I forgot to create a cloud backup - teehee ). To give a context on my Seizure attacks they started months after being discharged from the hospital. I reported back to work after a month of rest - that is July 2014, and went back in doing my normal routine or lifestyle. But there were funny moments where names and faces do not exactly match in my mind. I got saved from humiliating myself not calling them different names seeing everybody wearing name plates/tags in the Hotel where I work. They were all so happy seeing me, asking all sorts of questions like how it happened, what did I feel, was I in a comatose, etc. It was just happy seeing them and being well received by all of them. I am also blessed by God giving me the 'aura'. What's that?! Aura is a sensation I feel warning me that a seizure is rising and will happen. The specific aura that...