Date with God

It was a typical wednesday except it was my lovely energetic mother! But besides that it was typical. Woke up, dressed up for work and indeed I worked. A lot of things have been happening in work lately and with all the pressure and changes that keeps on changing. Its challenging! Everyday work looks right at me and stares me down waiting for me to curl down in failure. I love the challenge. I know these tests defines who I am and give glory to God seeing how amazing He crafted me to be. Well work in the office is over and I need to travel to Cainta to handle a coaches' mentoring session (part of MTW Sports' programs) and to beat the unpredictable traffic to Cainta I left 30mins ahead of time. I plugged in my earphones and switched to my 'slow and easy' playlist (secular songs) and just took it easy. I was not being texted which is good and I am not texting as well. Then suddenly it happened. I love it when God just grabs my attention and i really felt His h...