More Than Winning

As I contemplate on the decision I made to end my corporate career I am welcomed by a company together with Christian friends established. More Than Winning - Sports Consultancy (MTW). We focus on helping athletes in their respective sports. I love that I look at this as one of my ministries and really find pleasure in it. God has blessed us to have BJ Manalo, my mentor, to spearhead this company. Honestly, At first I didn't see its value but when I saw the Julius Colina one of the Adamson Falcons came to know Jesus personally and is continually growing in the faith. I knew that this is something that God will use to advance His kingdom. I will be given the opportunity to be speak during sessions and develop training materials for MTW. Yes this is work but its more of a passion for me. I would gladly to this without pay. Just to see that we are making an impact in lives of athletes is satisfying. God gives us these passion in our hearts that we cannot run from. I knew that God wil...