A lot of things have consumed me these past month or so. Typhoons. Thesis. VTRs. Auditions. Happily love life isn't a part where I wasn't so busy with. I just wanted to blog again to recap the things that is going on in my life today. We proposed a new thesis plan which will put us back in square one. It sucks since we, three in a group, spent our past 4 or 5 months building and planning the previous one. It was weird since when we changed plans I felt more ready and challenged with it. I still pray that God will give me wisdom to learn how and actually finishing this beloved thesis of mine. I put God in the center of this thesis and give God all the credit! Another thing in my life is my "showbiz" adventure. Yesterday I was one of those chosen people to be extras in a upcoming movie entitled "Working Girls" by Director Jose Javier Reyes. This is my first time to experience this and it makes me excited! I'm glad that I have this opportunity. I could writ...