
Showing posts from May, 2009

It Is Not Always About Academics

In a recent exchange of text messages with my friend, I was brought to another part in my life when I was in my elementary level. I entered a christian school as a grade 2 student and didn't care much about academics. I guess that is natural for kids at that age. I remember the times that I started learning how to type properly and play games using stairs called "A B C." But one thing that I will never forget is the end of 2 nd grade. It is a tradition that awards will be given to academic achievers and be recognized at the end of a school year. I never felt so left out that afternoon when all my friends we being called since they have achieved high grades. I never knew what my grades were that school year and I bet it wasn't low but I felt that I was a dumb kid. I cried running towards my father when I told him that I was not included in the top 10. I think he said something like "try harder next year" ' coz it was instilled in me that I would do a lo

Mother's Day

First, Let me introduce you to my mom. Her name is Edith Marina Carillo Lacap . Here is a picture of her with her loving husband, my dad, Vic Lacap . Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there and especially to my beloved mother. For this day I made a poem for her. It is entitled "IMA." Ima is a kapampangan term for the term mother. That is what I call my mom since my dad is kapampangan (hometown is Pampanga). Here goes: Ima you're so wonderful to me Since i was young and little until the time that will be Ima you comfort me with your voice I will always choose you even i have another choice Ima you're a blessing to our family Please continue sharing it eternally Ima how delightful the way you cook "Nutrition is the best" you learned it in the book Ima your love is the best part In good and bad times you never fall apart Ima the likes of you are the light of this earth Mother's day reminds me what you are really worth

Wild at Heart

This will be my version of a book review. Wild at Heart is a book by John Eldredge. It is a book that will discover the secret of a man's soul. It is a amazing that men are very interesting and mysterious like women. The adventure and journey to unlock the real man sleeping in your soul is essential in a man. We, men, have different scenarios in our lives but there is always an instinctive urge for man to be the real man. A lot of people can affect the way we live. Our parents, our peers, our relatives, even the other people surrounding us. There are important stages that was stated in the book. The wound, The battle, and the beauty to rescue. I'm not an expert in books actually I rarely finish a book. What I am saying here is my own opinions about it. It really impacted me in a way that I now learn the reason behind all of my adventurous and ambitious dreams. It is not me being a crazy or being a poser. It is just me being a man. The wound that I discovered is the way fathers