
Showing posts from September, 2020

In Christ Alone

 Let me start with this verse, in John 6:68.  Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, Jesus Christ our Lord, the Living Water & Bread of Life. In Him we will never hunger and thirst. Before John 6, Jesus fed thousands of people by multiplying bread which fulfilled their stomachs temporarily maybe for a few hours or overnight but if we are in Christ we will never hunger. He has eternal life. Like what Peter said in verse 68, ...You have the words of eternal life." Peter didn't just say this because he part of the special 12 disciples but because he put his faith in the words that Jesus the Messiah, the Christ says. Not because he has no other place to go or no other options. His heart knows. God chose Simon Peter, to open his heart to the words of Christ. In Christ alone, all the doctrine, teachings, miracles, transformation stand. Only because of Him we are saved from eternal death. He alone is the only way for salvation.