
Showing posts from August, 2012

Little Black Notebook

Around 2010 to 2011 I was carrying a little black notebook where I right things that are in my mind. I also put there all my devotions for either my Dgroup (CCF's small group) or for the Basketball ministry. But something else is in there. Starting from the last page, I have short notes. Shorts letters. These letters are address to someone I haven't met. I wrote these thinking that this person is somewhere in this world and when I find this person I will these letters.  There were times during 2010 when I was so happy and I really hoped that this person was with me. Or times when I needed this persons words or even presence to lift my sunken heart. I really prayed and hoped to God that this person was with me during those times but I know God is sovereign and in every detail He is in control. Why doubt and worry when I could trust and give thanks to the One who has set everything according to His plans since the beginning of time? I wrote those stuff with her